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Modern Western civilization, a manifestation of the White European’s grandiose 500-year colonialist mission, is in a precarious state.

As per Jesus’ direction we evangelized the offer of salvation to the Western world with our dissemination of God’s New Covenant, the Gospel.

Our unmatched technological feats of engineering & science gave the world the Industrial Revolution only to follow that up with what previous centuries would have deemed only possible through sorcery - the digital age.

The entire world has become dependent on our technology: The zoomer generation can not comprehend a world without the global internet. Digital banking, digital communication, digital entertainment, digital shopping, its everywhere at all times. Digitization has become omnipresent like electricity, another White European invention that holds the modern world together.

Through these revolutionary paradigm-shifting contributions to humanity, 100s of millions of people have been lifted out of squalor, famine, and poverty.

Free, instant, and democratized digital communication has led to the greatest disclosure of corruption the world has ever experienced. Never before have each nations citizenry, White or non-white, been able to remotely commune with each other and assemble against oppression - domestic or international.

While it is true European's leveraged slave labor in the southern states in the early years of American history, it’s also true that Africans had no qualms selling their own into slavery, Arab's enslaved millions through the Ottoman Empire's conquests, and mercantile Jews were happy to profiteer off of the North American slave trade, owning almost all of the slave ships.

Although all races share participative guilt in the practice of slavery, it was none other than white European men who ultimately decided to force and end the immoral practice worldwide.

Why? We demand excellence from humanity.

We will not capitulate to Godlessness, corruption or degenerate culture.  We will not allow our Christian European country to subsume the cultures of Israel, Africa, Mexico, Asia, India, or any of the Muslim world.

We apologize for nothing because we have nothing to apologize for.  


"If the world hates you, know that it hated me before it hated you."  Jesus Christ (John 15:18)

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