What I was once labeled a White Supremacist Nazi for saying out loud, now 48% of all white people accept as obvious and a legitimate fear for themselves and fellow white people.
To have a concern for one's own race of people isn't immoral, and it isn't indicative of hatred towards a single other person.
If it were - the entire nation of Israel being devoted to protecting it's RACE of people would be immoral. I guess they HATE all non-jews. And i guess the 1+ billion Asians in China, Japan, Taiwan, who have not "accepted diversity" would be immoral and HATE all non-asians. The 1+ billion people in India who have failed to "accept diversity" would be immoral and are INDIAN-SUPREMACISTS. The CONTINENT of Africa maintaining a super-majority of African people, another BILLION people also are apparently HATEFUL and immoral for not embracing diversity.
The last time I checked whites have been lectured for the last 500 years about the act of bringing our culture to other nations. That we were uniquely immoral awful people for doing so. We should collectively be ashamed, and we should be willing to literally hand over our money in the form of taxes to non-whites and we should accept as LAW that non-whites should be given priority in education, governmental jobs, the private sector, everywhere in society.
Yet now as foreign ethnic cultures from all over the world pour into European nations, we are told it's immoral not to allow foreign cultures to change OUR nations.
I know what you are thinking - this is payback for the whites owning slaves and colonization!!
1) Every race has committed ethnic replacement through the expansion of their respective empires throughout human history. Do you know anything about the Ottoman Empire and how it spread? How about the Mongolian Empire? The Egyptian Empire? Have you researched how all of the Non-White Empires grew their borders? Have you looked into a single other slave-trade other than North Americas?
2) By your assertion that what is happening to whites and their nations is justified you have slid into approving a collective-punishment worldview. You have accepted as normal and justified for the wholly innocent to be genocided for crimes that happened 500 years ago. Where is your moral compass? What happened to you? Why do you hold such disregard for the white race? You don't feel this way about any other race. Where did this belief system come from? All very important questions every white person should be asking themselves.
I have already been crucified for my beliefs. I've already been told I'm going to cause the next holocaust because I want to protect white people. But this is a major reality check to those who still don't get it.
Whites have a negative birthrate. The country is being forced to accept up to 2 million non-white people every year. This is is basic math. I know you guys can do it. While it may be uncomfortable to look the question in the face and seriously think about the answers - what does the daily life of a 25% White America look like for white people?
Given how we are treated and talked about today - do you believe we will be treated BETTER when we are the minority? When we don't have seats in government? When the education system is taught by people who hate the white people who built this country? When you apply for a scholarship? When you apply for a job? All of these things are factually already being given preference to non-whites today - I've posted plenty of the evidence of this. They are all going to get even more explicitly anti-white as non-white people capture larger portions of the majority. This is the power dynamic of diversified populations - an inherent WEAKNESS of Diversity. Which we are told is only ever beneficial in all situations and saying otherwise is bigotry.
But anyway, I'm sure things are going to get better come 2040 when we're 25% of the country. Granted I'll likely be arrested for "hate speech" and/or "inciting violence" because I commited the crime of sharing publicly accessible census data. I tried to stop all of this from happening by identifying the people and groups responsible for this FORCED ethnocide and thus far I've endured crucifixion for my trouble from every single person in my personal life. I forgive them all. All I want is Truth to prevail.
Last note - 40% of whites not only are aware of the Great Replacement now....they also understand the implications....AND they also understand it is DELIBERATE. It is a PLAN. This is the INTENTION OF PEOPLE IN CHARGE OF OUR COUNTRY.
You as a citizen have a duty to understand the plan unfolding and you have a duty to understand the architects of it. Wherever those questions take you, as emotional and disturbing as the answers are, you need the humility to accept that you were under-informed on this subject, you were lied to, you were hidden from the truth, blame whoever or whatever. I don't care why. I was clueless about it for 35 years also. And then I got an education on the subject, I accepted that my naivete had misguided me. All of you need to come to understand all off this quickly, too. Before it's too late for all of us.