Everyone: "Jewish people don't run the media, and they certainly don't abuse their positions in media to harm people, that's an anti-semitic trope and you are hurting Jewish people when you perpetuate that conspiracy theory."
Me: Candace Owens was just fired by Daily Wire three days after confronting a Jewish Rabbi about his slanderous attacks and the role of Jews in media, finance, pornography, and using mafia fear tactics to bankrupt and silence anyone who criticizes them.
Watch the below interview (while you still can) and ask yourself if the opinions Candace expressed were of hatred.
If you aren't willing to acknowledge the Jewish problem at this point, you are willfully complicit in the destruction of our nation. It's the same as pretending the Italian mafia didn't exist. Or that black gangs like the Bloods and Crips didn't exist. The Jewish mafia are not letting us speak openly about how we would like our country to function. When anyone influential even MENTIONS their role in society, it's the end of their career.
This is very, very simple. I don't hate Jewish people. I don't hate anyone. I am a Christian. I want Christian leadership in my country. That is not immoral in any way shape or form, and to point to the powerful people in our country who are not Christian, who I see are CLEARLY pushing perversion, endless wars, bankrupting our nation, destroying our demographics, who have a genuinely suicidal and pathological devotion to supporting a foriegn nation named Israel, there is a massively disproportionate amount of them who are Jewish. Despite them making up 2% of the population.
This isn't hatred - this is a CULTURAL DIFFERENCE. It's not immoral, again, to prefer one's own religious, national, or ethnic culture over someone else's. But what Jews have done is made it literally illegal in 35 states, and socially illegal in the entire country, to criticize their religion, the nation of Israel, or their ethnic culture. Are you aware that it's ILLEGAL to boycott Israeli companies in most states of America...but it's NOT illegal to boycott AMERICAN companies?
Are you aware that you can go to jail in Florida and other states if you state the fact that Jews use the allegation of "antisemitism" to shield themselves from criticism? Or that they run the media? Or that most of them have more of an allegiance to a foreign nation, Israel, than America? All of these things are true. But you go to jail for saying them.
This is unacceptable. No people are beyond reproach. And America is finally - FINALLY - waking up to this fact. Examples such as Candace being fired, Kanye West losing 1.5 billion dollars, Kyrie Irving being threatened to be kicked out of the NBA, Elon Musk being summoned to Aushchwitz for a humiliation ritual, JFK being killed over demanding AZC (American Zionist Committe, eventually renamed AIPAC) register as a foreign agency and thus not able to lobby politicians. The list goes on and on and on and on.
It's time for you all to find the information that the people who run the media and education institutions have purposely kept from you. Watch the below interview (while you still can) and ask yourself if the opinions Candace expressed were of hatred. Did she deserve to be fired form her spot as the most well-known (perhaps only) conservative black woman news anchors?
So much for diversity. When the chips are down, you're either on the side of the people who crucified Christ, or you yourself get crucified. Interesting how that works, isn't it? Surely just another coincidence. Just like how the exact crime for which Jesus was killed by the Pharisses was what??? Speaking words. That are true. That's it. That's why they killed him.
Do you get it yet? It doesn't matter if YOU are religious or not - this is THEIR worldview. Do you understand that there is a very large ethno-religious group of people who genuinely believe that criticizing them is worthy of death? Do you understand that this exact problem has occurred in over 100 different countries, where they eventually are expelled because they fail to exist peacefully with the host nation? Thus their perpetual state of paranoia and constant use of deception. But rather than modify their culture, or discard their Christ-hatred, they persist.
Revelations 2:9 and 3:9 explain all of this. But you guys don't want to read your Bible. You're too good for that. Too busy. Too intelligent. Meanwhile you have absolutely zero clue as to how your country actually works beneath it's fake illusion of democracy.