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Writer's pictureBeholden To Truth

NYT Writer Outed As IDF PROPAGANDIST - The Jewish Problem Is On Fire (Literally)

Full video of this story at link below, for some reason I'm unable to embed the video....

Let's rewind to October 7th when all of America was told Hamas BEHEADED 40 BABIES, RAPED DOZENS OF WOMEN, AND PUT BABIES IN OVENS. And this was why, we are told, America MUST stand behind Israel in wiping Gaza off the map and not question the killing of more than 30,000 civilians (more than half of which being children).

We must send them 100+ billion dollars of your tax dollars to help them do this. I know we've already given them 250 billion in the last 80 years while our own country has gone deeper and deeper in debt - but that's not enough. They need MORE. We must be complicit in Genocide, we must destroy our nations reputation on the global stage in order to protect Israel!!

Of course the DAY this happened, and I mean literally THAT DAY, I told everyone who would listen that all of this was FAKE ATROCITY PROPOGANDA. IT. DID. NOT. HAPPEN. ISRAEL. ARE. LIARS. They are using this FAKE story to drum up sympathy and rope America into doing their bloody work and pull us into a much greater conflict.

The response? My posts were banned. I was called an anti-semite because criticizing Israel, the Jewish nation, is defacto antisemitism, a socially illegal thing to do. Just like being "racist" it's actually a crime worse than stealing or adultery or violent assault or even murder.

As usual, Jews hyperbolize questioning the motivations, integrity, or methods of Israel into an accusation that you hate all Jews and you obviously want to cause another Holocaust. It's this playbook, again. Tiring, I know, but I am literally the only person I know personally who is courageous (and educated) enough to speak truth on this subject.

But don't take my "conspiracy theory" word for it. Why don't you watch this 10 minute piece pulled straight from the mainstream media, months too late after the fact, now acknowledging everything I said is 100% true. The NEW YORK TIMES, the holy grail of journalism, has now admitted to allowing a Pro-Genocide former Israeli military member with ZERO JOURNALISM BACKGROUND to pen the article that made all of these obviously fake claims about Oct 7th.

How did I know that this entire story was fake MONTHS before all of you did? How did I know all of this before our own media and government did?

Because I study. A lot. I pay attention - closely. My independent journalism and sources of information are not beholden to paid advertisers, lobbyists, corporations, or politicians. I study history.

Meanwhile, ALL of the people you naively trust to feed you "news" are deeply beholden to those parties and are actively attempting to CHANGE the historical record. CNN, Fox News, New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, etc. For this reason, they all can't talk about the decades-long pattern of this dishonest, genocidal, aggressive behavior coming from Israel. Why? Because the people who SIGN THEIR PAYCHECKS believe things like "Israel is our closest ally in Judeo-Christian values, they are God's Chosen People, we must protect them!"

They all can't talk about the fact that dishonesty is ENCOURAGED by the Jewish nation of Israel as their intelligence agency (The Mossad) official motto is literally "Through Deception Make War."

As for our "shared Judeo-Christian values" - these organizations can't mention how the Talmud (Rabbinic Judaism's religious doctrine) describes Jesus Christ very vividly and bitterly as burning in hell in a pot of excrement and semen. It claims the virgin Mary was no virgin at all - rather she was a whore. And this very same text also condones lying to Goyim (non-jews) when it is advantageous for Jews to do so. All facts - go look it up.

Hold on - Are these the same values we as Christians hold? Why did members in the current Israeli government try to ban teaching the Gospel in Jerusalem? I thought we shared religious values!?! Why is it a government-recognized TRADITION for young Jewish children to spit on Christian tourists in the Holy Land? Why does Israel's government not stop this behavior? Is that how they celebrate our SHARED JUDEO-CHRISTIAN VALUES? Is that how you treat your closest ally?

One of the reasons my faith in Jesus Christ is so unshakeable is that He himself gave me (and all Christians) a warning about exactly how the rest of my life would play out. In John 15:18 He explicitly tells His followers that simply speaking Truth in this fallen dishonest world will make people hate you. Sadly, my life has come to prove this prophecy correct.

I don't hate anyone. Not Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, Non-Christians, Arabs, Muslims, Indians, Hindu's, Atheists, pick your ethnic or religious group. Do I criticize them all? Yes, absolutely. All of them openly criticize MY race and MY religion on a daily basis. They write books about how evil white people are, and mock Jesus with zero hesitation. And I honestly don't have a problem with that - it's called free speech and free will - both sacred rights bestowed by God (NOT bestowed by government).

I don't think they are bad people, or inciting violence, when they criticize the things I hold sacred. I certainly don't banish them from my life to never talk to them again because they disagree with my religion or political priorities. I certainly don't try to have them fired from their jobs or wish them any harm whatsoever.

In fact, I have many non-white non-Christian friends who fall into these various categories who are intelligent enough to know that criticism is not hatred. DIFFERENCES in cultural preference are not HATRED. Words are not violence. TRUTH is not subjective when it comes to people murdering one another.

Discussing religious and political differences is a normal thing to do amongst intellectual people. Or is it? Do you want to have a critical conversation about Islam and Muslim nations allowing men to have 4 wives, throw homosexuals off of buildings, and cut peoples hands off for stealing? Go right ahead, that's fine. That's a healthy debate for us to have when it comes to deciding upon a moral framework for our country. Sounds like a fun conversation, and a necessary one.

But do you want to discuss the Jewish religion or the Jewish ethno-state, their beliefs, and their decades of genocide in Palestine? STOP RIGHT THERE, HITLER!! You must HATE ALL JEWS!! What are you, some kind of NAZI!?!?! There must be something DEEPLY IMMORAL AND WRONG WITH YOU!!

Do you guys get it yet? Do you understand that a certain ethno-religious group of people have built for themselves a bubble of irreproachability in our society? All while being fiercely critical of other ethnic and religious groups? Why do we tolerate this obvious double-standard?

Here's to hoping that Mark Zuckerberggoldmanstein allows this post to stay up. I know that providing facts and criticizing his tribe is against community guidelines. But ever since Oct 7th the media/govt lies have been so egregious and the crimes of Israel so abhorrent that their NAZI-LIKE censorship has been necessarily more lenient as the sheer level of NOTICING and discussing these hypocrisies has become impossible to quash.

But that doesn't mean the captured media and government wont continue to lie-by-omission in order to protect the Israel tribe...for example:

Were you all made aware of Aaron Bushnell, the US military service member who SELF-IMMOLATED in front of the ISRAEL EMBASSAY in Washington DC a couple days ago? He was protesting America's complicit role in the Genocide of Palestine. He set himself on fire and burned to death, with his last words being "Free Palestine."

Well, that's not great PR for Our Closest Ally, is it? That's not great for holding on to public support for funding Israel's ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestine, is it?

So I guess that's why NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, and Fox News didn't feel the need to put it on the front page of the news cycle. It's not headline news when your own military members LIGHT THEMSELVES ON FIRE in front of the ISRAEL EMBASSY in our nation's capital, screaming that they don't want to be complicit in the crimes of our government on the behalf of the Jewish Nation of Israel.

Yeah...that's pretty bad press. So let's not call attention to that. Instead, lets entrench ourselves further in the next decade of middle-eastern wars that will assist Israel in fulfilling their Greater Israel agenda of annexing neighboring territories, building the $8 Billion/year in economic stimulus Ben Gurion Canal, and seizing the oil production off the coast of Gaza.

Anything for our closest ally in JUDEO-CHRISTIAN values, right guys!!!

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