This comic summarizes the last 60 years of American political culture.
An entire generation who put all of their chips on denial and ignorance in order to feel a false sense of virtuosity in that they never risk offending others.
How did that work out for the country and the next generation who have to now live in the wake of this denialism?
After sleepwalking through six decades the country has woken up to find 90% of their children engaged in premarital sex.
More marriages fail than succeed.
50% of 30 year old women are single and childless.
Our country has a negative birth rate.
Suicide is at the highest rate per capita than it has ever been (as is self-harm and depression).
25% of the Gen Z children engage in homosexual sex (up from 5% historic average).
The country has gone from 90% white to 50% white and we are actively destroying all the monuments and memories of our European ancestors.
The country has gone 33 TRILLION dollars into debt with an increasing deficit every year - we are insolvent with no plan to fix this.
The country went from the unipolar military and economic force in the world to being humiliated and hated on the world stage, impotent against an invasion of our homeland AND unable to defeat our so-called “enemies” abroad.
The Church of Satan is erecting statues in our government buildings.
Transvestite luciferian “Nuns” are throwing out the first pitch at LA Dodgers games - oh and also reading to your children in the library and at school!
Pedophilic sex trafficking blackmail rings are found to be deeply ingrained in our government, media, and finance industries - only for the government and media and finance industries to protect each other when caught.
This is a quick list off the top of my head. I could go on for hours about how much BETTER our country is thanks to NOT TALKING ABOUT POLITICS.
In the end this aversion to difficult conversation has created a population who are genuinely shocked when they find out someone they know disagrees with them. They have essentially zero emotional-white-blood-cells in their body. They can not receive contradictory opinions to their own without taking severe personal insult as if they have been physically abused.
To explain why you would vote for a different president, or disagree with someone else’s religion, or disagree with various ethnic cultures way of life, or disagree on abortion or gay marriage, to disagree with a “scientific study” or to disagree with pretty much anything - you name it - this is INTOLERABLE for some people.
They have lived so long in an echo chamber of opinions (through biased social media algorithms and biased mainstream media) that it’s as if any form of political conflict AT ALL causes a furious immuno-response to reject any and all argument, no matter their empirical or factual basis.
Our country is boiling. We are dying. Do not be the silent frog. I provided many of the objective factual statistics spanning many measures of national health above. The economy, the spirit, the identity, the military, there is nothing improving about our nation, and none of these critical pillars have improved in a very long time. Why? Because you are all afraid to talk about them.
Absorb this: You would rather our country die than be called homophobic.
Absorb this: You would rather our country die than be called antisemitic.
Absorb this: You would rather our country die than be called racist.
Absorb this: You would rather our country die than be called misognyst.
Absorb this: You are a fully grown adult who can't emotionally handle being called names.
And finally absorb this: You would rather let Christendom fall than rebuke sin.
These are the bitter truths of the political-correctness stupor you have all fallen into.
America...We aren’t going to make it. Not at this trajectory.
But thanks for not offending anyone. That’s what really matters. Because when Jesus told people they had to stop sinning and acting the way they were - I’m sure none of them were offended.
I’m sure when the Disciples evangelized Jesus’ teachings about self-denial and abstaining from sin, I’m sure they didn’t offend anyone. I’m sure the world happily received their words, right?
If you actually care about this country and don’t want your children and their children to grow up in a third world cartel atheistic racial turf-war, perhaps consider actually participating in pushing back against the society that is in freefall around you.
PS - Participating is not achieved through voting once every four years and saying awww shucks when your vote doesn’t win. The truth is that whoever is in office doesn’t really matter in the larger ongoing agenda of the people who run this country. Republican or Democrat, they are beholden to the same lobbyists and foreign influence. What’s required is social activism. Being a beacon. Being a light for the TRUTH.